About us
DTB Real Estate is a company operating in the field related to buying, selling and renting properties. p>
We combine professionalism, experience and individual approach to the customer so that we guarantee a complete and professional service with a particular focus on the security of transactions and respect our customers' time. p>
We have a professional license number 17470 granted by the Minister of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy, belong to Bielsko - Częstochowsko - Katowice Association of Realtors and the Polish Real Estate Federation, also apply Bill of Rights Customer ...
Offers 10 - 18 z 25
Łazy (gw), Rokitno Szlacheckie
parcel for sale
price for m2120 zł
160 560 zł
zobacz ofertęŁazy (gw), Rokitno Szlacheckie
parcel for sale
price for m2120 zł
147 240 zł
zobacz ofertęŁazy (gw), Rokitno Szlacheckie
parcel for sale
price for m2120 zł
163 200 zł
zobacz ofertę